The LYRE was an ancient stringed instrument that had 3 to 12 strings. Loosening and tightening the strings would change the pitch. It was commonly strummed with the hand. Evidence of lyres dates back to ancient Sumaria, dating from 3000 BC. It is thought that King David played a form of the lyre called a “kinnor” as mentioned in the Bible. The lyre was most popular in ancient Greece and appears in Greek Mythology where it was believed to have been invented by Apollo, the son of Zeus. He played the lyre and the sound conjured huge heavy stones to move into place while the walls were built around the city of Thebes. The lyre was a popular applique motif used to make the beautiful Baltimore Album quilts of the mid-1800’s, perhaps because it is the easiest musical instrument to draw.
Digital downloads of each pattern purchased consist of seven pages (8.5 x 11 inches), including four pages which when trimmed and taped together make the full-size (15 inches square) pattern master for doing the applique or embroidery method of your choosing. The download is in Adobe PDF format and you will need the free Adobe Reader software to print the pages.